Verity Kids

Considerations for Verity Meats Healthy Life Programs
…to provide critically needed HEALTH BENEFITS to all generations, but especially to YOUTH (including preborn) in the formative stages of their GROWTH that provide:
- Nine essential Amino Acids that the Human Body needs, but cannot provide for itself
- Important chemical-free Healthy growth development that provides Lifetime Benefits
- Potential to eliminate negative Health effects rarely known to previous generations (Autism, Gluten, Allergies, etc.)
To do this in a comprehensive working Community Model that identifies and collaborates Key Production and Organizational Models that successfully stimulate, implement, and retain Natural Healthy Meats that are cost-effective and locally developed.

Benefits of Verity Farms
Support of pride of community verity connect program allows for healthy meats to be produced and made available very economically.
- Families will eat Healthier Local Grown Meat Products
- Verity Meats will benefit thousands quickly and continue into the future generations
- Affordable Natural Healthy Meats
Verity Meats Values

Honesty in all aspects of production. A sure test of integrity is a healthy grown product

Affordable due to implementation of specialized management understanding. Protection against usage of unnatural products, which affects health costs.

Beneficial to all parties that give decision, tone, and energy to the complexities of HEALTHY MEAT.

Unite strengths of differing skills and understandings in the complex variable processes of HEALTHY MEATS for the benefit of all involved.